BP 5-The Sport That Started It All
Wrestling is one of the most widely practiced sports in the world. From Europe to Asia to the America’s evidence of a history with wrestling can be found. Because physical strength is all that a person needs to wrestle it is easy to see why it is so wide spread and practiced all over the world. It’s because of the simplicity of the sport that it has a history that goes back approximately 15,000 years ago. That makes wrestling one of the first sports in the world.

While wrestling can be claimed to be the oldest sport there is evidence to suggest that running as a sport is older or a the least around the same age as running. Just like wrestling running does not have many requirements. All an individual needs to be able to participate is the use of their legs. The objective was simple as well two men would run from one point to another and who ever did it faster was the victor. Considering how simple the goal of the sport was it makes sense that older civilizations would be able to create the sport.
Sense no documentation esists to confirm whether or not wrestling came before running or that they came about at the same time it can only be guessed which one is older. Although running is more simple than wrestling and it can be assumed because of that, that it is the oldest sport it is possible that it wasn't practiced as a sport at the time. The same could possibly be said for wrestling but given the complexity of it it compared to running it is unlikely. So until new information is discovered if it exsists it can be argued that wrestling is the oldest sport in the world.
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