BP 3-The Enigma of George Taylor
It's not uncommon to see an African American holding a political position such as mayor or governor in today's world compared to the past. Even in 2009 the first black president was elected, but there is one African American from the 1800-1900's that has seemingly been forgotten. George Edwin Taylor was an African American who was a presidential candidate during the year of 1904. In may ways George Taylor is a trail blazer for African Americans in politics. Despite his achievements George Taylor is an enigma that not many people talk about.

George Edwin Taylor's early life was difficult. He lost his mother when he was young and had no other relatives to take care of him. Somehow he managed to survive on his own and made his way to the town of La Crosse in Wisconsin. Fearing he would be trouble the court appointed Nathan Smith, a black farmer as his foster parent. Through Nathan, George came into contact with a farmer with political connections that pushed him to seek a higher education which George did. Before George Taylor ventured into politics he spent some time as a journalist for a labor newspaper. his connection to the the labor force it what drove him into politics where he worked to try to improve the lives of laborers whether they were white or black. After joining the national liberty party he was nominated as a presidential candidate in 1904. Unfortunately his attempt to run for president was treated as a joke. Even though he failed he believed that he had a responsibility to try in order to improve the lives of African Americans as well as white laborers too.
Compared to today African Americans have access to many political privileges that they didn't in the past. They are able to vote and hold political positions unlike in the past where such a thing was unheard of.George Taylor started the path that improved the political standing of African Americans.George Taylor was unique for his time in that he was able to run for the position of president during a period when African Americans were being limited in their ability to do anything to improve their lives. While George being unique for his time is viewed as a good thing now it wasn't necessarily the case in the past. Instead of being praised for his attempt George Taylor was ridiculed and treated as a joke instead. This could explain why he is such an enigma now because during his time his attempt was not a noble attempt but a pointless action.
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