BP 4-Was Thomas Edison Really the First?

Thomas Edison went down is history as a great and accomplished inventor. He created the phonograph which allowed people to record and play back sound. He also created nickel iron batteries which were used to power vehicles before steam and gasoline. But one thing Thomas Edison can not be credited for is inventing is the light bulb and he should not continue to be credited as the sole inventor.

Image result for thomas edison light bulb"The invention of the light bulb is credited to Thomas Edison because unlike the the people who created it before him Edison was able to use his fame and contacts with the media to influence his claim as the inventor. A British chemist named Warren de La Rue had created his version of a light bulb 40 years before Thomas Edison made his. Other inventors like Humphrey Davy and J.W. Starr and many others also made there own versions of the light bulb before Thomas Edison's version of the light bulb as well. All Edison did was improve upon the concept for the light bulb not invent it. And because his version was more commercially viable he is credited as the inventor of it.

As stated above Thomas Edison had his fame and contacts to rely on to spread the sentiment that he was the inventor of the the light bulb. While all he did was improve the light bulb the fact of the matter is he solved a significant scientific problem that revolutionized the world. Edison's version of the light bulb could be used to light up large areas far longer than anyone else version of the light bulb which added to his notoriety. So while Edison didn't invent the light bulb he did solve the equation that had been challenging inventors for years with his version of the light bulb.

Thomas Edison was a great inventor that changed the world with his creations.He created what would become the modern day TV, microphone, and recorder as well as some other useful technologies.  These notable inventions as well as his highly successful light bulb along with his fame and media influence culminated into the idea that he is the inventor of the light bulb. 


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